Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Red Light Cameras

OK - this a completely random blog, but every time I drive into my neighborhood I think about this! We have a red light camera at the entrance to our neighborhood and I see people make the mistake of screeching to a stop, just beyond that white line, then, after the light has turned red, backing up so they are no longer over the white line. Now, I'm not sure why they bother except that 1) they think they are blocking the intersection (which they never are), or 2) they think that the camera will click a picture of any car over the white line. The key here, everyone, is that the camera is motion sensored. (at least that's they way the first ones were made!)

When these cameras first came into use in Howard County, they were motion sensored. How do I know? A co-worker of T's did exactly what is described above and received a little ticket in the mail inviting him to traffic court. It was a very clear picture of his license plate and in the picture you could clearly see that his reverse lights were on. He demonstrated to the judge what he was doing, which was backing up so he was not over the white line. The judge thought that was "nice" but proceeded to fine him some exorbitant amount of money anyway. Had he just stopped his car (over that white line) and not moved, he likely would never have gotten that invitation.

I could be wrong about this, but I've watched cars back up and I have seen that camera at night flash a little picture of that car. I've never actually gotten one of those invitations in the mail, and I hope I never do. Hopefully, I'll remember when it's me just to stop!

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