Saturday, January 07, 2006

"I made this for you!"

As I was coming upstairs from breakfast, I noticed a little art project outside the office door. It was clearly made out of unknown substances full of glitter, some kind of color and being used on the incorrect surface, paper! I wasn't sure whether it was body glitter or shower glitter gel or maybe even lip gloss, but it definitely had Em's signature on it!

There it was, almost dry, laying on the carpet, no doubt soaking into the carpet. I knew that wherever it had been created, there were more to be found, possibly a huge mess to clean up. This is the kind of thing that happens often in our house. If we can't hear them, there's a mess!

I started with my older daughter, who clearly had no idea what it was. She gave it the detective's once over, pointing out that not only had the creator used some kind of glitter substance, but they had also gotten hold of the three-hole punch (that I can actually hear working right now as I type - note to self - confiscate that item!).

I moved onto the culprit, who had just finished breakfast with me and was heading our way. As she climbed the steps I asked her about this "art project," and she happily replied, "Oh, that? I made that for you!" She beamed the most gorgeous of her smiles, knowing full well that there was trouble lying ahead. Her smile quickly vanished (OH, she just brought me the stapler!) when she realized no one else was happy about her creation. I asked her to bring out the evidence. She slowly went into her room and brought out two little tubes of body glitter, blue and red. Then she sat on the floor, picked up her artwork and happily examined it. She was truly proud of her accomplishment.

We've gone over some "rules of usage" - for the billionth time. My hands on, kinesthetic learner will never give up her discovery of new and glorious mediums for her artistic heart. She is happiest when she's creating and she's learned that mom has a soft spot for her artwork. So, when she knows she's created anything of worth, it's always left where I can find it and followed by those words, "I made this for you!"

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