Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I did it! I took both girls to the doctor by myself and survived! Truth be told, it's not my first time, but the fact that I survived yesterday is huge because of late, my girls have found that freaking out at the doctor is something they enjoy. I don't really know why, but it just happens.

Yesterday, we needed to take care of our yearly appointments. I've put them off so long because the truth is that I avoid the doctor at all cost these days. Last year was not a pleasant one with me and the doc, so that's just not my favorite place! But, I took them. I told T that I didn't think there was any need for him to tag along, so he didn't. No shots, no bloodwork, who would have thought there would be a problem.

Everything seemed fine. We all sat in the little room, the girls were all set to begin, the nurse came in and Em took one look at the blood pressure cuff and started to scream, "No, not that! I'M SCARED!" and she had a look of absolute fright on her face. It really did take the three of us by surprise that she had that reaction. She pulled her little arm into her gown and wouldn't let go! Kt tried her best to show Em that it's no big deal. We even reminded her that she's had this done many times before and never made any big deal about it. The nurse finally gave up. I'm quite certain she went and told all her nurse friends about my psycho child! When the doctor came in, he asked a little about it, said we'd see later if she would agree to it, then asked about their flu shots. I said, "Don't ask!!"

I found myself in this funny position yesterday, because for me it's my blood pressure that is a huge problem. It's a problem that runs in my family. For my cousin, it all started when he was 13 and for me, around the same time. He was given many tests which determined there was nothing physically wrong with him. I had a bunch of tests done right after I was married with the same result. But the problem continues to plague me, so I don't belittle the fear of the cuff! It's just that she's 5!!

I finally did what all good and wise moms do in situations like this - I bribed her! M&M's do it everytime. I should have thought of that earlier! I just didn't foresee this problem. I didn't think bribery would be necessary, or I would have offered before we ever stepped foot in the doctor's office!

Instead of M&M's, I actually took them to McDonald's for some ice cream - decided to add a littel calcium to the deal. I then kept Kt home for the rest of the day. We had fun, I was whooped, though. I fell asleep as soon as we got home! These doctor appointments sure do wear me out!

1 comment:

doubleknot said...

How beautiful your girls are. They remind me of my half sisters - all very beautiful also.
Children and doctor's I had my share with my son. My girl was mostly healthy and wasn't afraid. My son as he got older and bigger but still didn't understand we weren't hurting him took entire office staff to help hold him.
There is not a thing in the world with a little bribery - after all don't we get a pay off if we behave ourselves at work?