Saturday, March 25, 2006

What a Day!!

I got up at 8 - on a Saturday, mind you! - and was out the door a bit after 9. I was very excited because unlike most of my scrapbook events, this one was only 20 minutes away! I knew I'd be there quickly AND no worries with only about 1/4 tank of gas. I had carefully written down the directions and was on my way. Two hours later, I arrived!! UGH!!!!

Apparently, the directions on this consultants website were, for whatever reason, incorrect! I went in the wrong direction and ended up on this little loop of a road. After driving around Severn for about 1/2 and hour, ending up at the front gate of Ft. Meade, I headed home. There I found the correct directions (at least I hoped they were correct), went to get gas! and then went on over. I was not in a good mood! Fortunately, it ended up being fun, short and a little profitable - at least it covered my gas.

The best part of the day was when they decided to play a hot potato game and had to find a music radio station. They found a Christian one. After the game, they left it on and I had about 30 minutes of joy, of course mixed with the smoke I had to inhale because I was sitting by the front door! But it was fun. Finally, someone figured out what we were listening too and said, "I've had just about enough of this stuff!" I laughed - wonder why it took so long?? It was great while it lasted.

Now it's an evening of cookies and Indiana Jones - oh, yeah, and computers!

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