Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yup, It's True!

Our messy second day of spring snow fiasco yielded not one flake!! I, for one, am ecstatic! Kt and T were not so excited. I could hardly get Kt out of bed this morning, and the sun was shining. T slept in as well, all hopes of being iced in melted away. The fun thing for Em and I was that we were able to go out for lunch instead of being cooped up in this house.

Em and I went to Target in search of some gifts. Em's best friend next door, M, will be having surgery tomorrow at John's Hopkins for extrophy, a condition she's had since birth. It's pretty major and she'll be in the hospital for a couple weeks and in bed for another few weeks after that. If you think about it, send up a prayer for the family. While it's something they have been awaiting since M was born, it's not easy to go through. They also have a 2 year old at home now, making the whole experience even more to organize!

I must go and finish up dinner - sweet and sour meatballs I planned to warm us up on our snowless snowy day!

1 comment:

doubleknot said...

I'm in Florida so I don't have to worry about snow days.
Don't know what extrophy is - I will be looking it up after posting but my prayers are with your friend that things turn out OK.