Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Little Too Late, Perhaps?

Now, I've not commented at all on the Natalie Holloway case, although I have to admit that I was completely riveted by the media coverage of this story last year and have continued to follow it. I have always wanted to visit Aruba, but now I'm not so sure I'd be so enthused about being somewhere where I know 1) that the government would choose to be so uninvolved in a very important case, with little support or information for the victims, and 2) a place where it's pretty likely they are very tired of Americans!!

I saw this today on Foxnews and can't help but think about all the time the Dutch government has wasted in trying to solve this. A TV show NOW? What a farce!! Who is likely to step out now, on this tiny island, who wasn't willing to up to this point, and all because they will ask for help on the TV??? All the while, the people who REALLY know what happened are enjoying their lives, free as birds. Sorry, Netherlands, I'm not falling for this one.

There, I said it, now back to not commenting on these infuriating stories anymore!

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