Monday, March 20, 2006


Just to answer D's question, what do I like about Curves, I figured I better just post about it! I joined Curves last year because I wanted to do something that I paid for that wasn't going to break the bank, that would keep me accountable and that wasn't overly straining to the point that I would avoid it altogether! I like that it's only women, that it's about 35 minutes, something I can easily fit into a day. The machines are based on resistance, so you don't have adjust anything and they are fairly easy to work. I have met some wonderful women where I go so I do enjoy that aspect of it.

A couple things to keep in mind, though, are first, that you really should do something cardiovascular to add to this workout. Curves is more of a muscle toning circuit with "aerobic bursts" in between. I find that I need to walk either outdoors or on the treadmill to keep up with the cario stuff. That's hard for me in the winter! Second, that because it's resistance, you really need to work at making your workout fit you. I try to keep track of how many reps I do at each machine and try to up it a bit after a while. You can just go work out but not get much out of it if you aren't paying attention. The nice thing about that is you can get a workout in whether you try hard or not - meaning, I know that if I'm overtired I can do a light workout and still make it all the way through.

Time was a huge issue for me. I only have three days a week that I can go and limited time. I prefer swimming, as I have terrible shin splints, but I can't fit in laps at the pool, showers, changing, make-up and everything that goes along with swimming in the small amount of time I have. I also find it difficult to swim in the middle of winter!! And it's not relaxing at all if I keep having to watch the clock. I'm planning to join a pool once both girls are in school all day and hope I can fit it in around a job!! UGH!

The price was also a huge factor for me. It's $40 a month at Curves, so when I'm sick for a week or twist my ankle, I'm not feeling like I'm dumping too much money down the toilet! While other gyms do offer child care, I've never really been a big fan of that for my kids. I just prefer to go either when they are at school or in the evening. The other great benefit is that you can use any Curves all over the country. My mom belongs so we can go together in Connecticut and we actually went a few times when we were in Hilton Head last summer. I love that option!

I hope I haven't talked your ear off about it - it just fits into my life at this time. Good luck!


doubleknot said...

My sister does Curves and she said it is the best she has found - again all women and a short workout.
Glad you like it.

Anonymous said...

Is it a small little room where everyone is watching eachother? I like to be in my own head during work-outs...I don't like to talk or I mess up!

deanna said...

You really have to go visit one to know if it's something you would like. I'm not a super social person, but I enjoy having a few other women around. You learn which times are less crowded and go when you are most comfortable. The few I have been to are set up in the circle and you rotate around the machines with the pads in between.

The one thing I could do without at Curves is the awful music!!