Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Huge Price

"We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam. ... The prosecutor is asking for the death penalty."

The prosecutor, Abdul Wasi, said the case was the first of its kind in Afghanistan.

He said that he had offered to drop the charges if Rahman changed his religion back to Islam, but the defendant refused.

We definately take our freedom for granted here in the states. Imagine facing the death penalty for changing your religion. What would you do?? We also have little understanding of true persecution.My heart aches for this man and his family and I urge you to lift this man up in your prayers, and the country of Afghanistan.

UPDATE: Just read this story about the US position on this case.


doubleknot said...

I was blog surfing and found your blog. You are one of the very few people who isn't afraid to say that we do take our freedom for granted in the States.
I lived overseas for seven years and know what it is like for poor people. As for religion we don't know how lucky we are to have a church for everyone - no matter what they believe. It all goes back to God any way. Hope you don't mind if I stop in and comment.

deanna said...

Thanks for stopping in! I totally agree - we take our freedom for granted AND do not understand what it means in the world outside of these 50 states. We live in a bubble and I think it may someday pop - soon!