Friday, March 24, 2006

Action Sports?

OK, for those of you who know me, you understand this is a stretch for me!! I'm not exactly athletic and, well, action sports are a little, shall we say, frightening for me! Anyway, a friend of mine had her husband read my trampoline post and he posted it on his very popular action sports site - so I'm published! (sort of!)

Check it out!

I've been warned that some content can get a little foul-mouthed, but you all might be interested in Racer's Refuge.



friend said...

you are soooo famous. awesome.

doubleknot said...

Neat story. Oh, the good old days - I think we were tougher then kids today.
I hope your little one doesn't get hurt.

deanna said...

Friend - I'll have to remember to carry my pen around Hollywood this summer (haha!) Oh, wait - they forgot to post my picture - now no one will recognize me!!

Doubleknot - We are tougher and my kids? Em is just looking for trouble, but she's my tough one. I'm sure she can handle it!