I did my usual Monday morning routine today. I dropped off Em, went to Curves and then went to the grocery store.
Me + grocery shopping without a list = disaster!
I found some jelly beans - I love those! I also saw some cute Easter M&M's. Haven't opened them yet! The bananas looked weird, so I passed on them even though they smelled really good. I did something like this: deli, produce, aisle one, bathroom, aisle 12 (that's where the bathroom is), aisle 6, aisle 2, aisle 11, frozen aisle, aisle 3, aisle 9. Anyway, you get the picture. It took me almost an hour to find less than $80 worth of groceries.
junk food + a little real food = disaster!
I guess I didn't get all junk food, but I find that since I went to Let's Dish and no longer have to buy/plan dinners much I fill the cart with other stuff. Thankfully, I remembered that Wednesday is Em's snack day, so I found all that. I just hate shopping without my list, which I make according to where I find everything in the grocery store. That's the way Type A people do it, you know. I know where everything is, so I make my list according to where I will be walking through the store. Without the list, I am completely lost!
Me + no grocery list = junk food + a little real food
Well, at least I got those jelly beans!
I'm bad at the grocery store without a list because I tend to buy everything on sale! Oh, why yes we do need 10 boxes of stove-top for $10!!!! What a deal!
That's why Steve goes to the store. I make a list...he re-writes the list according to aisle...seriously...what is that? I write it by food group...which should be by aisle...so what does it matter?
When I go I try to avoid the middle. Just get what's on the outside and I don't get sucked into the sales! Besides the outsides are healthier...fruit, veggies, meat, dairy, bread, deli...all there on the outside.
Do you like doing curves? What about it do you like?
Have to have a list - my room mate and I keep a running list of things we are out of then look at the ad for the store we shop at and add what we want.
It does us no good to list by isle - seems everytime we go to the store they are reagranging the isles.
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