Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"What just happened?" moment

I had one of these yesterday. Although, it may have been more of a "Why didn't I expect this to happen?" moment, or even a "How could I not have known this would happen???" moment. T and I took the girls to get flu shots, because, you know, the bird flu is acomin'! Not according to the medical specialist, but according to T, who finds all his very informed information on the world wide web. MOVING right along...

Last year Kt got a flu shot because she is high risk - asthma. She had two shots last year because it was her first year getting it. She was so brave, not a tear in her eyes. Total little sweet heart. This year, she was a bit anxious, but that's to be expected. Em was scared, too, but with a brave big sister, we figured that would calm her fears. WRONG!!

We all get to the office. I make T go because the whole dr thing creeps me out, too. The girls were in great spirits, we got the Super Hero room, so we spent some time goofing around with Spiderman and the Hulk. It was all fun. The nice doctor came in, checked everyone out. We were all set. The really sweet nurse came in, alone because our girls are so old they don't need two people anymore to hold them down. Kt jumped up on the table. Then, it all started.

I'm sitting there with Em while she's waiting patiently and out of nowhere Kt start throwing this huge, huge fit. I mean, I've never seen her like this ever, even when she was a baby!! The nurse hadn't even picked up the syringe and my almost 8 year old daughter is completely spastic, begging T and I not to make her do this. She refuses to pull up her sleeve, fighting T every step of the way. If I've ever seen ballistic, this is it! I finally just looked at her and said, "STOP IT!" While she never calmed down, she did finally give in. Of course, the shot hurt all the more because she was so tense and it hurt the rest of the day. She walked around all day with her hand over her arm giving us dirty looks.

Now, this set up quite a scene for my almost 5 year old, who actually handled the situation with much more dignity than my older daughter. Once we changed from arm to leg, she was fine, other than a few very loud shreeks. Of course, I was totally embarrassed, more because I was totally unprepared for this outrageous scene of apparent torture we were subjecting our children to. I've never seen these two carry on like this EVER.

Needless to say, we skipped the ice cream that we give to brave patients. We went home and had a little nap time! This whole experience really took me by surprise, and I've found that for whatever reason, that's what my girls do to me often. We have these freak experiences where I don't even recognize my own children! It definitely gave me food for thought. What kinds of things do I do that cause my heavenly father to not recognize me?? or wonder 'what just happened?'? Unfortunately, I can think of several. I'm far from perfect and sometimes I'm just downright terrible! It's embarrassing. I think it's pretty irresponsible and disrespectful towards God. I think yesterday I might have actually had one of those moments just after the one above, when I said something to Kt like, "I can't believe you did that to me!" (This came right after T said, "You just scared your sister out of her wits!!!!") I'm not sure exactly what I said, I was so livid. But it was something I can't take back, something that was hurtful and I said it to an almost 8 year old, who doesn't need her mother acting like a baby in front of her. It's embarrassing. I've got to work on that!

So, what did the doctor say about the bird flu?? He's not concerned at all. As far as he can tell, this disease is far from mutating into human form, it's very difficult to infect humans from birds and in this country we probably won't see that great of an effect. To which T replied to me, "He's lying." You know, I just can't win! So, we're back to stockpiling supplies for the pandemic. Next on the shot list - T and I. I'm thinking about bringing the girls and throwing a fit in front of them at the local Food Lion. I'm just not sure it will have the same effect!


Jeremy Del Rio said...

How have you managed to not have a blog all these months and years? It's amazing how prolific a writer you are.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about bringing the girls and throwing a fit in front of them at the local Food Lion. I'm just not sure it will have the same effect!

that made me laugh hysterically! Jeremy is right you are a GREAT writer I have saved you in my favorites and check in often...well you already know that ;)

deanna said...

You know, Jeremy, I'm only blogging because of you! and Tony not letting me release some of my steam on his blog!! He wouldn't dare give me his podium (haha), and for good reason. You both (you and Colleen) are so funny - I'm flattered. Truth be told, this blogging outlet has become a little addictive so I think I might need to limit myself to 2 (maybe 3!) a day. It's either that or get a real job!! Thanks!