Thursday, October 27, 2005

Relegated to the kitchen

I'm sitting here in the kitchen on this new laptop that T bought for some opportunity that has never evolved into anything fruitious. He came home from work last night, got on a call, got on another call later in the evening, then again at 2 am, tried to sleep in but got called at 8:30 to do something else, worked in the office upstairs in his underwear while attempting to take a shower between calls, tried to go into work but has remained on a series of life-or-death situations that only he can respond to, apparently...

This is the disadvantage to him working from home - I'm relegated to the kitchen, and the big mess my family leaves in here everyday. Where are those little fairies that used to clean up my house when I was growing up??? The ones who put all our dirty dishes away, filled our drawers with clean clothes, made our beds while we were at school?? I need those fairies right now!!

So, how does T do it??? I really don't know. Maybe he's one of the "I can do things that I couldn't" people that I want to become! Tomorrow night we are heading up to PA so he can go to some youth summit. It's totally necessary because when we get home Saturday, he goes into work from 10 pm until Sunday at 5 pm. Then it's off to work again Monday - Friday, 9-5. No comp time, to overtime pay, and much of the same infringement on his home time.

T is a great father, husband, youth worker. I'm not sure how he does it, but we try to make all opportunities outside of work a priority, because work can be so consuming. There is no balance. It's sad, because he used to like doing what he does at work, but now it's no longer fulfilling, because it's overwhelming. It can just suck the life out of you.

If you know T, either personally or through his blog, and you have a minute to spare, you can pray for him. Pray that he can manage this ridiculous job, his family, his ministry and still spare a bit of time for himself. I know God has a great plan where T is concerned, but right now patience is what He's asking us to have. It's not easy - we are really impatient people by nature!! God is stretching us slightly.

I can see He's stretching me right now, while I sit here with the realization that those fairies were not fairies at all. They were my mom and in this house, I'm the mom. That means I need to get to work!!! No more blogging!

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