Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I Saw a Sign...

Well, that's a slight exaggeration! One more little blurb for now about my dad. Last summer I found myself, once again, thinking of my dad. I wondered a bit what it was like for him in heaven. What was he doing? I often found great comfort after he died when I was worshipping in church. I think I felt closer to him, thinking he was probably doing the same thing I was. I fell in love with the song "Angels" on the Hillsong CD Hope. The end of that song, a repititious "Jesus" is the most beautiful sound.

This one particular day I had dreamed of him the night before. Most likely this was due to the intense questioning the night before by Em. She has started doing this again recently, which may be why I was thinking of him again! Anyway... I was driving along route 32 East (for anyone who might know) having a short conversation with God about my dad. I felt so silly. I was asking really ridiculous questions like, "Are you taking care of my dad?" DUH! and "Is my dad OK?" DOUBLE DUH! and lastly, "Sorry for being so stupid but I just miss him! and I'm checking in on him!"

Feeling really silly, there I was pulling off of route 32 onto route 1, one of those cloverleaf exits, and as I am pulling over onto route 1, the route 1 traffic is crossing over in front of us to get onto route 32 (confused yet?) and there, right in front of me, crosses this huge fuel type truck. It is huge, silver and says only one thing on it. You'll never believe what it says, because I didn't either. It said, "RUDY" in green, with a green pasture looking thing under it. That was the only thing it said. I've never seen a Rudy truck before, because if I had I would have laughed. My dad's name was Rudolph, and we had lots of fun with that name. He was known to everyone as Rudy.

Now, maybe I'm exaggerating here, but I almost cried when I saw that. You know, God can do anything he wants. That day, he gave me a truck with a name on it and it meant something to me. You might think it's a coincidence, and I don't really care if you do, but God told me that he knows my dad, that He's taking care of him maybe in green pastures? Who knows! I was immediately humbled, though, because I don't ever really ask for signs and I think I might have that morning, probably why I felt to silly. I didn't doubt where my dad was, I didn't doubt that he was being taken care of, I just felt lonely. I missed him. And I think God really cared about that.

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