Saturday, October 08, 2005

Rain and shower...

Well, looks like we are skipping the DC Festival, and it's such a shame. One wonders what is on the mind of God. Apparently, this weekend was two years in the making. People relocated here to make arrangements and connections all for this weekend. It's a wash out!

I can't remember the last time we had rain in Maryland. It's almost drought-like here. I'm sure people here have been praying for rain, and it looks like they won! As I'm writing there's a severe downpour outside, there are massive ponds forming in our yard, it has been steady since early yesterday. So, do I rejoice at some much needed rain or cry for these poor festival organizers?

I checked out their website earlier in the week and really they have left a mark on DC, whether the festival is a wash out or not. The success of their work can already be measured. Refurbishing 10 DC schools is nothing to scoff at - it's amazing! God clearly has something else in mind other than skateboarding and Veggie Tales for this weekend.

I think T will still take some kids down for program - teenagers will enjoy it and always remember standing in the rain for Third Day! I'm going to skip taking down my little girls. They will only wish one of the dry museums were open and complain the entire trip, with me moaning in the background!

Kt has been in the shower for over an hour! Or in the bathroom anyway. She's only 7. What will it be like when she's 13? 14?? 15??? HELP! I guess a little rain planted an idea in her head... Shower! I better go get her out.

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