Wednesday, October 12, 2005

State Report

Kt came home Monday with a letter about an "I'm a Geographer" project she has to complete for school. Each student picked a state to research, write a report on and put a State Box together with information and artifacts from their state. On Kt's paper with was written that she had chosen the state of "Connecictut" with a couple letter crossed out and erased and rewritten. Kind of joking I said to her, "Did you have a little trouble writing Connecticut?" She said, "Well, the student teacher didn't know how to spell it so my teacher corrected her." What is happening in the world of education these days????

We gave up phonics for whole language, gave up spelling for "sight words" and "sound spelling" and now even the teachers don't know how to spell???? HELP!! It's a good thing we live in Merrlind!

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