Monday, October 10, 2005

Udders and Teats - do you know the difference?

I learned something in preschool today that is "udderly" fascinating! Well, not really, but it was something I didn't know. In Em's preschool they are learning about farm animals and today's lesson was on cows. It was black and white day, and also our snack day, so we brought in Oreos, milk and string cheese (the white kind!). We also watched a video about cows. So, do you know the difference between an udder and teats??? Hint: a cow has one udder and 4(?) teats. If that doesn't help, you'll have to look it up.

The funny thing was that none of us knew the difference. Fortunately, our PhD in dairy farming mom was there and she was able to straighten us out. She said it was the easiest question she's ever been asked. I guess that's why they call it preschool!

I enjoyed the morning with Em and she enjoyed having mommy at school with her. I was joking with her teacher as Em passed out some little rhythm sticks to everyone that she was having fun with "real" students rather than the "invisible" ones she plays with at home all the time. Em constantly has a class of students following her, learning from her, listening to her sing or read a book. Kt had done the same thing when she was younger. I've walked into rooms where Em has set up 5 pieces of paper with pencils around and each one has a "name" written on it. That's when I know her class is taking a test!

After my preschool lesson, I went to Kt's school where I learned how to be a Paired Reading tutor for at-risk children. Always a new experience. It's a little strange because I'm not in complete agreement with the program, yet I'm going to give it a try. Just because I disagree with some of their methods doesn't mean I can't actually go along with it, correct? I don't know, but I'd like to see if it works. I'll have to keep updating on this subject for future reference.

I need to go take care of a few things! Namely, prepare for my Bible study tonight, clean up for the babysitter and make dinner for my kids. Never a dull moment!

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