Thursday, October 06, 2005


OK, I admit it - I'm totally hooked! A couple months ago I got this email from Disney mentioning this Virtual Magic Kingdom that I could sign my kids up for. Thinking that my 7 year old might actually enjoy this, I did it and we have been hooked ever since! I play the games to earn points so she can shop, decorate her "rooms" and chat with other players. I have also found a great website that lists all the "codes" you can use to get more things - so Disney!

(This site better right now for codes.)

I feel like I'm coming out of the closet really. I don't think 30 some year old parents should be addicted to kid's games, but I think I might be. My house has never looked so disorganized and my fine motor skills have never been better! I would not have admitted this had I not read an entry on a forum one day from another mom who was "trying to log on for my son" - I said to T, the funny thing is that there are probably more parents playing this game than kids! I might be wrong, but it's super easy to log on, I never have to do it for Kt. I knew I was really too hooked when I freaked because she traded some thing (I can't even remember) for some other thing (I can't remember) - I knew this thing had just gone too far!!

While I've tried to limit my computer time on VMK, I do have this to say. I like being familiar with something my daughter uses on the computer that is very interactive. I have been able to use this site to teach her things that I would have never had the opportunity to address otherwise. The kids have real time chats with other kids and sometimes it's a bit colorful. Fortunately, Disney does a lot of filtering so I feel fairly comfortable with my daughter being online. We have had unpleasant exchanges and used that to discuss what is appropriate and inappropriate on a computer. We have also been learning how to make a fair or even exchange or trade. My daughter has a soft heart when it comes to "winning people over" so she is quick to give, but that's not really the point in this alternate reality. It has been a real learning experience for both of us.

I hope that in the future, when we're ready to move on from VMK, that I have the time to learn what it is that interests my kids on the computer and elsewhere. It really makes a difference in our communication and she's sooooo young. Once they are teenagers, HELP!

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