Thursday, October 13, 2005

Christmas??? Already???

Today a friend of mine took the girls for a bit (YEAH!) so I went shopping. Quick run to Target, quick trip to the Disney store to pick up my prepaid copy of Cinderella. These trips are best to do with NO KIDS! I have to admit, I was shocked to see Christmas decorations up in Lord & Taylor. I mean, we have not even gotten to Halloween!! What is happening??? The silly thing is that I was picking up that DVD for Em for Christmas, so it must be on our minds already!

On the way home from gymnastics tonight, Kt asked me if I thought she was old enough for her own computer. How funny after a post last night about how I owned my first computer as a college grad! I asked her what she meant, of course thinking she was crazy out of her mind!! She said, "Do you think I'm responsible enough to have my own computer?" I said, "No." I'm so mean! Then said asked, "Can I still ask for one for Christmas?" I replied, "Sure, but we aren't going to get you one!" Kt, "But can I still ask for one????" Me, "Sure."

Here's Kt's Christmas list so far:

1. An easy to carry Spy Kit
2. She can't seem to remember what her second item was
3. A computer - and she adds, "It doesn't have to be one of those big ones that is so hard to set up. A laptop would be just fine." (This is where I nearly bust out laughing!!)

Each year we assign gifts to different family members for our kids. I'm giving rich Uncle Doug #3, my mom can handle #1 and I'll take #2. Sounds fair to me! And it's a good thing Em still just wants that reindeer bell!

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