Monday, October 24, 2005

To the State of Delaware...

I have only this to say: I'd pay any amount of sales tax if you would just take away your tolls!!

I've probably paid more in toll money to the state of Delaware than I've ever paid sales tax - at least it feels that way! Not only is it an exorbitant amount of money, it's the shortest state, the roads and interchanges are dreadful and they keep raising the tolls. I believe this weekend I paid them around $14 - of course I really didn't pay attention because of I have EZ Pass, which is sooo worth it in New Jersey! They have actually made an effort in New Jersey to make it worth your while by adding express EZ Pass lanes. That's a joke in Delaware, where traffic is so bad even the express lane is backed up, or it is so unclearly marked that it's really not an EZ Pass lane at all!

Enough about those bad, bad tolls...

We finally made it home, after breezing through CT, NY and NJ, thinking we'd be home in record time, we hit the mother load of traffic in Delaware. It was a nightmare. Was it Thanksgiving and I missed it??? We finally arrived home around 9:30 and got the girls to bed. We were all late this morning. T drove Kt to school late, I took Em in late then ran to Curves. When I got home our electric was out, thus leaving me locked out of the house. Long story!!

I'm finally inside, with electric. Having no electricity really changes your life, doesn't it? We are so dependent on electricity that it's almost painful to live without it. It's one of those things that we don't realize we are worshipping until we don't have it anymore!!! Well, OK, that's a bit drastic, but we really just expect that it will always be there, that it won't let us down, that there's some never ending supply of it. There are so many things that we do each day that depend on it.

It's funny when you don't have it, the things you find yourself doing. Like today, I immediately thought that my garage door opener was busted or the battery didn't work, until I tried the keypad to get in. Once I realized that I was trying to decide what else I could do while I waited. I needed to go to the grocery store, but I can't get the groceries inside or even in the refrigerator without electricity to sustain the cold food. Once I broke into my house, I had to run to the bathroom that had windows. When I went to get lunch for Em, we had limited options. No microwave, no groceries!, no toaster oven and one quick trip to the fridge, so she had to decide everything that she wanted. Then we had to find a well lit room for our puzzle time after lunch.

Now the electric is back on - lights, computer, action! It's really not a bad thing, having to live without electric a bit each day. It might teach us to appreciate it a little more, encourage us to engage in activities that don't require the use of such a precious and valuable resource, and it might even cause us to stop our busyness and enjoy the ones around us. Em and I had fun doing puzzles, sorting Girl Scout cookies and finding lunch foods. She was even happier that the electric came on just in time for me to make her chicken nuggets!!

Imagine no electricity at the toll booths! What a disaster that would cause in Delaware!


Anonymous said...

I agree sometimes I forget what it's like to write letters or send cards through the mail b/c of e-mail and e-cards! I lost my electricity a few weeks ago and spent time doing awesome things! I owe you some $$ let me know how much I can't remember how many boxes I ordered!

Thinking of you....

deanna said...

Imagine a week without your computer. Ah, the agony!! I think you bought two boxes - we'll get them to you soon!! I promise.