Wednesday, October 12, 2005

T found the fountain of youth!

I'm just cracking up reading T's blog today! He didn't tell me someone yelled to him at UMCP about how he looked like he was 12. He really does look young and we have the stories to prove it. We've had people ask him at the door to our house if his mother is home, he's had kids on Friday night at CPR - our church high school ministry - ask him what school he goes to, and BELIEVE IT OR NOT, we've even had two people ask if I was his mother!! Now, I'll give them that he looks young, but he's chinese and I have blonde hair. I mean, I'm not sure I can make that giant leap even in the 21st century!!

For all the funny stories we have it still amazes me how scared T is of getting old, how he pines away at every gray hair he finds and how he does silly things like try to 4-wheel in an ice storm in hopes of feeling younger. It's a good thing he's given up mountain biking, after that head over the handlebars and right into the creek accident where he destroyed his pager. You know, mountain bikes are really meant for riding before you have a real job that requires you to be on call 24/7. I guess boys just have to learn the hard way.

I'm just hoping that T passes on this fountain of youth to our children. Not that I don't want them to grow up, because I do, but I'm sure some day they would appreciate looking younger than they really are. It will take a while. I mean, T still gets upset when someone asks if his mother is home. I always tell him, "Just say no and be done with them!" But it never fails, out pop the words, "MOTHER???? I OWN this house!!" I always say back to him, "Keep it down or I'll have to put you on time out!!" (JK)

Oh, yeah! It might be worth mentioning that T just turned 36 in September! That's pretty good, to still look 12, don't you think?

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