Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You Should ((NOT)) See My Bedroom

It was a hurricane or bomb - not sure which one - but it came through my house, specifically my bedroom. I have all the Christmas and birthday presents, wrapped and unwrapped, all the wrapping paper, tape, bags, bows, ribbons all piled in my room. They are scattered around the remnants of our bathroom, still in our room until that closet is finished, whenever that may be. Also piled up in my room are the clothes that I would love to put away if all those things weren't piled up in front of my dresser and in my closet. Not to mention all the extra furniture that is currently being stored in my room - apparently we have no room in the basement for it. This room is a sight for sore eyes... only. My only saving grace is the fact that this particular room is disproportionately larger than any other room in our house, which is likely why we think we can fit so much junk in it. The countdown begins for me to clean this place up before my whole family arrives next Friday. Yes, they are all arriving on the same day, which in many ways makes it easier for me. I only have to remember one date!

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