Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Late Open

So, we had just enough snow for a late open. Actually, our street looks like a sheet of ice, so I'm a little surprised that's all we have! I like late open days, we can sleep in a little but they don't have to make up the day!!! Plus, Kt has a friend whose parents are going away to a conference (Church of God, St. Simon's Island - rough!) so she is staying with us for a couple nights. Since they are leaving today, I was getting a little worried I'd have her all day today if we had a snow day. It's not that I don't love her and wouldn't want her here, it's just that my almost 8 year old turns into my possessed 4 year old the longer she has her friends around. Two school nights here is enough, but one full day! Not to mention Kt's first slumber party scheduled for Friday night... am I nuts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your slumber party! I've been thinking about starting a business, planning, coordinating,running cleanup etc. slumber parties for children, I am not sure what the market would look like for that though...so let me know how yours goes and if in the future you'd hire someone to do ALL the work :)!