Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas Tree Lighting Feud?

I was only slightly aware of this inward "feud" about when Christmas trees are lit, but it concerns me very little. What I became more aware of recently was the name of the Capital Christmas tree. In this article about the feud there is this short blurb that stood out:

But there is always room for adjustment. In the early 1990s, the Capitol tree became known officially as the "Capitol Holiday Tree," a nod to non-Christians. Pincus said he was proud that there were no angels on top of the tree -- it was festive but nondenominational.
I'd like to clear something up here, that most Americans are apparently not aware of (at least the ones involved in politics!). Christmas may be a "christian" holiday, but there is nothing "denominational" about a Christmas tree!! Really, I'm not kidding you, even as many fables are written about that tree connect it with Christianity, it is just not what Christmas is all about for "denominational" Christians.

I also have plenty of Jewish friends who think it's silly to have a "holiday" tree, it's even almost offensive I'd think. For Jews, it's Hanukkah, and for that they celebrate with a menorrah, which is represented on the Ellipse along with Christmas. Why not represent all "denominations" at the Capital likewise? or do they already? One would not know due to all the hoopla surrounding what we should call a Christmas tree! I say, call it what it is, but don't pretend like it's some kind of religious thing.

Now, a live nativity scene, while it's my preference for a religious display, is something I can understand people getting a little "offended" by, if a baby can be offensive. Now that's what Christmas for christians is all about. PLEASE don't throw Santa into the realm of religion, and the tree actually belongs to him, not Jesus. I would have to throw in the towel when the argument rounds that the nativity is religious, but then so is the menorrah, however I've never heard of any controversy over displaying one of them, although I'm sure it exists but is not overreported. As a christian, I embrace the menorrah as part of my religious heritage, so while it's not offensive to me, I fully recognize it as religious.

Now, we love to visit the National Tree, surrounded by all the state trees, complete with a yule fire and on occasion reindeer. I never knew there was even a Capital tree! I would have never guessed there was a feud, although, it is politics as usual in DC! Once again, the great black cloud of politics is hanging over a wonderful holiday. Can we all just agree to be happy this Christmas season, enjoy our friends, families and various holiday celebrations and stop all this babyish quarreling over who gets to light the first tree?? and what to call it??? Grow up, boys, and smile. It's Christmastime!

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