Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

I've been thinking a bit about these today. We never really did these when I was growing up, unless it was a school assignment or the one year we made everyone in our family do them, stick them in the stocking only to completely forget we had ever done them in the first place! I don't believe I've ever actually done any of the things I've resolved to do for a year because I don't think I've ever remembered to check. I could be wrong about this, but this is just dragging on. You get the point - I'm not a resoluter.

So, if I'm not one, why am I even bothering to think about it? Well, there are some things I'd like to do this year. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to admit them on here. I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to hold me accountable or anything (LOL). What I was thinking was more in terms of the kinds of resolutions I want to make for this year. They would have to be ones that I could keep, that I would keep, that I could achieve even if I faltered a bit. I have this terrible tendency to give up once I know there's this point where I'll never get there anyway. This is not a good thing to be, but I know that is how I tend to think and act, so I know I need resolutions that would avoid this happening.

In thinking about it, I've decided that I need to make daily resolutions, or rather, ones that can be achieved each day, measurable daily/weekly instead of "let's see if I can do this by Dec. 31, 2006" kind of resolutions. The reason being I'm also a major procrastinator. It's not always a bad thing, but it's rarely a good thing! I will put off everything until the last possible moment (except blogging, of course!) and then perform incredible feats to complete a project, ones that make me wonder what it might have looked like had I spent the time deserved on it. I do think I work better under pressure, but my doctor doesn't like that approach!

Anyway, I'll share a couple of my resolutions with you. These are the ones I don't mind being held accountable for. I'll save the more embarrassing ones and keep them to myself. You'd likely laugh if you knew them, but I'll still save them!!

1. I want to be in the Word of God daily. I certainly have the time, I'm just very forgetful sometimes. Now, by saying "in" I mean reading it, not being written about, although I'm sure there are plenty of stories in the Bible that I would fit into - I won't elaborate!

2. I want to engage my children in daily devotions. This is the more difficult of the two - our schedule (and lack of discipline) don't lend themselves to us having a set time to do this. This is very difficult for me. I'm the Monday-shopping, Tuesday-library, Wednesday-laundry, Thursday-gymnastics type person, so when we don't have a set time to do something, it really throws me off!

3. I'm choosing three areas of my house that will be clean before I go to bed each night. No need to elaborate here - I'm guessing most of you either will never see my house or you already know the three areas!!

This resolution list could be longer, but I'll just throw these out there. These are the ones I think about the most, which is why I want to admit to them. I have other more personal resolutions, but I haven't even laid them out yet! Next year, I'll have to come back to this post to see how I did. Fortunately, I won't have to have it in my "favorite post of 2006" because it's still 2005! but I will look for it so I can grade myself - the quintessential teacher that I am.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's celebration and good luck with your resolutions, if you have any!!

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