Friday, December 23, 2005

To The Troops

I'm just going to say this to anyone who might be reading - don't forget our military in all parts of the world this holiday season. Pray for them, write to them, pray for their families and friends. I am thankful to have one of my cousin's sons home after a year in Iraq. We are praying for and supporting his other son who is now in Iraq. Whether you agree with war, this war, any war or not, please do not let the men who serve us and our country suffer from being forgotten in this debate. I am honored to be served by these brave hearts and thankful to them and their families for their sacrifice. THANKS!!! for your service.

I know I've posted this before, but my cousin mentioned to me when he was in Iraq last year that most of his friends who did not typically receive letters or packages would register with If you are interested, you could certainly start there!

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