Thursday, December 29, 2005

Daily Dose of Laughter

We just finished our nightly game of Trivial Pursuit. This year we have moved onto the DVD Pop Culture edition. My brother has taken my father's place as Master of Useless and Random Facts. Along with this distinction is his place as the family comedian. He is by far the most hysterical person I have ever known. My sides hurt from laughing tonight!

As our game came to an end, we switched off the DVD player and the TV landed on an infomercial for the "Open the Eyes of My Heart" worship CD. My brother, who is a percussionist for his church's worship band, began to belt out, "Please close the ears on my head, Lord, Please close the ears on my head. I don't want to play this song one more time in church...." As we all burst into laughter for the hundredth time this evening, he informed us the only thing worse than having to play overplayed worship songs was playing medleys of songs that don't go together. He said the last time his music director gave them a medley to play, he asked him if it was entitled "Toothpaste and Orange Juice." As we are all rolling on the floor once again, he said that his music director said, "No, this one is from Willow Creek." This, of course, only added to our way past midnight laughter.

I don't know where my brother comes up with these kinds of things, but it's never ending. He is always funny, and his sense of humor is very unique. While he'd make a great stand-up comedian, he's probably a much better architect. It's always so fun to have him around, although I imagine if I was his music director I might not agree. My mom said to him after his hysterical comments, "So, is that why you haven't been playing much anymore at church?" She can be kind of funny, too!

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