Thursday, November 10, 2005

Friday Night Violence

This is a real problem in this area, unfortunately. I'm certain the school officials in Howard County are watching, as they started just last year adding lights for Friday night games. (I hope I'm right about this!) One of the women who works at my Curves was at a Montgomery County game at a really nice high school where she saw firsthand some of this violence. What was disturbing was the lack of police at the game. She said there were four officers, all directing traffic at the time of this apparent beating/stabbing/death, none of whom would leave their posts to help. Even more disturbing, the apparent "anger" of parents about measures that need to be taken to help protect these students. They are complaining about the rescheduling of games to daytime? like it's this big punishment for them?? Kids are dying, people. Maybe they should just cancel football altogether!

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