Wednesday, November 16, 2005

American Education Week

These poor Howard County school teachers!! This week is AEW, which means that parents are invited to "stop in" and observe their child's classes. For teachers, this is sort of a nightmare. If it were one day, I think everyone would manage, but for one week??? As a parent and former teacher, I've always stayed away from this event. I think it's very disruptive and distracting for students. I don't know how the teachers get anything done and students never act the same when parents are around. The clowns become clownier, the noisy become demonstrative, the know-it-alls takeover and the shy, quiet students disappear. I choose, usually, to not participate, however....

This year, I've not had the opportunity to observe anything! There are so few opportunities to help that I feel like I honestly don't know what is going on the in the classroom. I also received a small lecture from a friend who is a teacher about how my daughter will feel so left out if her mother is the only who doesn't show up, so even though only one parent in Kt's class has so far visited, I peeked in after my tutoring session. There were more parents there today, one teacher had a substitute (that poor woman!) and the principal also stopped in to observe - AGH! Why??? would you choose to observe a teacher during a week like this? Crazy!! I was a little insensed by that, so I did a bad parent thing... I grabbed the principal and chatted for a few minutes with her about kindergarten! I know, I'm bad, but I couldn't resist, I mean, she didn't need to be there anyway, right?

To top it all off, Monday report cards were sent home. Who subjects their teachers to a week of observations the week before conferences and then sends report cards home to stir things up at home??? Howard County Public Schools! They never fail to surprise me!! And kindergarten?? Well, our school was approved for the building project, but not in time for next year's kindergarteners. Full day is still in the works, but the class limit will be 22 (hallelujah!), at least that's what the principal told me. (All this while schools who have 2 years to implement full day are already starting construction?!) She also admitted to me that in our community, there have been a majority of parents who would prefer half day - interesting... We'll see if all this really happens.

I'm heading back this afternoon for reading class, that's the one I have the most questions about. I feel bad going in - but they sort of leave me no choice. If I get to help in the room, they won't see me, but if I'm shut out I'll take every opportunity I can! At least I'm only going in one day, for small stints. Some parents stay all day everyday - no kidding!?! I mean, that's a little crazy, don't you think!?

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