Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snowing again..

Yes, it's true. Just as the ice was finally melting from Valentine's Day, we are being bombarded once again. It began snowing around 9:30, 5 hours after scheduled, and it's just snow! Our weather reports had said wintry mix, but I'd say for the past hour we've ended up with about 1/2 an inch. It's crazy!

T had to run something up to church for me this morning. At that time, there were plenty of people there because it was doing nothing outside. An hour later, a friend of ours called and said they were sending people home from church so not to bother coming. I'm glad someone had the good sense to do that as many of our church members come from far away places (no, I don't mean Mars!). Our pastor, for one, travels quite far, so it's a good idea to make sure he gets home safely!

Yesterday was a pretty good clean up day. We'll have to straighten out a bit again, but I'm thinking today ought to be a family day. Games, movies, family stuff... I can't think of a better time to do all that than when you are stuck at home in the snow. If this all really does turn to ice, which it likely will since it's 35 degrees outside, chances are we are in for another round of snow days. Our hope for getting out of school on a decent date in June is dimishing with each and every snowflake or freezing raindrop! Groundhog, I want my early spring!

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