Friday, February 02, 2007

The Life and Times of a Sick Child

Poor Em! Still sick, but she has not lost her desire for entertainment!! I found her upstairs watching the BBC, which she quickly informed me was PBSKids that I had put on for her when I left this morning! EEK! I hope nothing too graphic happened today! I switched the channel to Animal Planet, which has been the favorite channel in this house for years.

In tonight's episode of I have no idea what, Steve Irwin was wandering around a jungle. Em, who to my knowledge had never seen this episode, began to narrate it for me. She began by telling me that the orangutans in the show were gorillas, she then asked me if monkeys lay eggs and ended the scene with the proclamation that foxes hunt raccoons, but they DO NOT eat them! It is difficult to keep a straight face, especially with Steve Irwin in the background talking about a pregnant orangutan's plump breasts in a whoop of glee!

I have to admit that I'm not a huge television fan, but my kids are. We don't have any specific guidelines for watching or not watching TV, although we have used the threat of no TV and it works well. I guess not being regular viewers has actually let to the very typical action of our children turning off the TV on their own and finding something better to do. But when they are sick, even BBC gets left on!

Emily continued on during the commercial about the many possibilities of how she might have gotten the stomach flu. It could have been at Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, where we celebrated good report cards the night before she became ill, it might have been at the birthday party she attended (most likely - since half her class is out with this!), but she is quite certain she picked up this bug out on the playground. You see, she fell 4 times and one of those times, she had her mouth open. The mind of a 6 year old! She also told me the first morning after being quite ill that was a little worried she might have the bird flu - thanks to dad for the knowledge of that! Lucky for her we are well stocked and it's not the bird flu!

The good news in all this is that she is eating, drinking, talking, throwing up like it's just an ordinary day. A little more lying around, but all in all, she's a really good patient. It's a bit deceptive for mom and dad, as we continually think she is better and then boom! But once I finish this little post, I'm heading back up for more on the life and times of Em!

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