Friday, March 23, 2007


After my little diatribe about teaching my children how to wait patiently, I find myself quite annoyed once again by having to wait. I'm not really annoyed as much as sleep deprived. I spent a lot of time cleaning up my bedroom so this Verizon FIOS guy can come install our second FIOS line and truthfully, I'm more annoyed about why I'm waiting than that I'm waiting!

About a month ago, we had FIOS installed for a great deal - 3 boxes for the price of one. I went off to work, T was working from home and had a work weekend, so he kept our cable installed just in case we had issues with FIOS (because he didn't feel like going in to work to work!). When I got home, we had FIOS in our family room, but he told them just to leave the bedroom alone!!! Now, we are paying to have it installed in our bedroom!! OK, enough....

So, here I am in the "window" of time they gave me - 8 am to 12 noon, just like that furniture that was finally delivered at 12:15! I took the day off to spend it with my children who have no school today. Kt has ended up staying at a friend's house last night and going on a field trip all day today with Brownies. Em is downstairs watching The Jungle Book and I am waiting. I had to get up at 7:15 - on my day off - for this. I'm a little, uh, grouchy. Can you tell? At this point, I'm willing to purchase my Verizon VIP pass - right now!

UPDATE: The Verizon guy arrived at 9:37 and stayed for all of 15 minutes. Whatever little thing he had to do could not be done the last because???? I guess they just wanted to make more money! Such a racket!! We got to be outside for a bit, then lunch with T and now back home. It's raining and Em doesn't want to do anything. I guess a day of rest will do her some good, and me as well!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I hate those 'windows' of time they give you. My way of trying to cope with that sort of waiting is tackling some project at home that needs to get done anyhow. Then, I feel like I'm accomplishing something for myself & not just wasting my time. Good luck!