Sunday, March 25, 2007

Be Careful Who You Tease!

Back in early November, the day I left to fly to Savannah for the birth of my nephew, when I discovered while waiting at the airport that I really DID have strep throat (while I was chatting with a bunch of Army doctors returning home from duty in Afghanistan!), I began my day with a major mishap. I had driven down to work, which I had taken off because of having a fever for three days!, to drop off some items and on the way back home I hit a terrible bump. I'm still uncertain as to what I ran over, but I figured out shortly thereafter that I'd put a huge gash in one of my brand new tires and just before arriving home the tire let me know! I was stuck out on a major busy road only minutes from our house. Thankfully, I was fine and the car survived as well. It was the scoffing that followed that was harder to swallow than the actual event!

I had to call T because 1) I have no idea how to change a tire, and 2) I was way too sick to do anything else. I really had no business being out at all, having the worst sore throat of my life and all drugged up with Robitussin, Advil and Sucrets! It was cold out and I just needed to know whether I should call AAA and wait or if T might be able to help me. He listened to my story and rolled his eyes when he came out to "help" me. I had to agree, it wasn't the best spot to be in to change a tire, but when you get a flat do you really have the option of where it happens?

He sent me on my way, seeing as I would be absolutely no help and I guess he didn't want me hearing him swear about me up and down while he tried to figure out what to do. Honestly, I was too sick to really know what to do, plus I had to pack so I could fly down to Savannah after arguing with the receptionist at my doctor's office about how there was no way in the world that I had strep - what does she know? I kept in touch with T enough to know that he'd called AAA because he couldn't figure out how to change my tire, then while waiting figured it out but waited for the AAA to make sure it was safe. He assured me that the two of them had their share of scoffing at whatever it was this woman did to destroy her new tire - like it was some common male occurrence to have to rescue their tire popping mindless, helpless females. Again, I was just way too sick and tired to address the irony of it all....

Here we jump to this morning. T drove us last night down to Alexandria his way, which is basically right through DC. Everytime we go that way, I'm reminded that I don't because a woman and two children, obviously from the burbs breaking down down there spells certain demise. We hit every single pothole at full force on our journey both ways. Both of us, I know, wondering if we might make the trip back today to enjoy some nice weather and cherry blossoms. Instead, we woke to a flat tire!! Isn't it just ironic that it wouldn't be his driving or his choice of routes that caused this, it could only be a nail or something I might have run over this past week. This tire popping thing - such a double standard! We're off to go pick him up at the mall so he doesn't waste the entire gorgeous day!

UPDATE: Just returned from picking him up. He said to me, "While changing the tire, I found this piece of wood in the wheel well and a shard in the side of the nearly bald tire. We must have driven over a piece of wood and it took a chunk out of the tire a lot like the one you destroyed." Will it ever end? At least this time, I got to roll MY eyes!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

LOL! Dontcha wanna just smack men sometimes?! They are like walking egos. I ripped Chris a new one today for this very same attitude!