Sunday, March 11, 2007

Is it Warmer or Isn't it?

An interesting article today about the evangelical stance on global warming. I have to admit, in my family we throw around the idea of global warming as a bit of joke and, for the most part, dismiss it as a natural occurrence that is actually repeating itself over hundreds of years, cyclical in nature. It's not that we don't believe there isn't warming happening, we just aren't buying all the hoopla that has been created surrounding it.

In this article, there appears to be a huge crack in the glacier of evangelical leadership on the issue of global warming vs. other "moral" issues paramount to our time, namely abortion and same-sex marriage. It's really a muck they have all gotten themselves into by attaching a religious sect to political issues and trying to come to some consensus about which is most important. My question to them is this: why not focus on making the "evangelicals" most interested in something we all agree on, like poverty and the need to abolish it?! Fighting among themselves? Well, that isn't going to solve any of these issues.

I'll admit it - I'm pretty conservative when it comes to issues, but I also feel like my views on those issues have developed as I've developed a relationship with Christ. While I might not buy into global warming, I will admit that we can all make efforts to improve the way we treat and view earth, over which we have been given the charge by God Himself to be stewards. Educating others on ways to be a better steward does not go against my moral standards one little bit!

Even if the global warming rhetoric is not being picked up on my radar, the concern over energy efficient air protecting necessary changes resonates with me. Of course, they are just as important to me as my belief that embryonic stem cell research should never happen under any circumstance, and certainly not paid for by my tax dollars. Why? Because the sanctity of life, in my opinion, is completely at stake and I'd protect that with as much or more vengeance as the earth. I can't seem to come to any understanding of how people can be so set on saving the earth yet so obtuse about saving life. I want to do both and what's the point in saving the earth if we so little value human life?

OK - off my soapbox and back to wondering when global warming will arrive here, because I'm cold!


Kathryn said...

Feeling political today? ;-)

I read the article and my reaction is one big eye roll. Why do evangelicals have to rank everything--earth stewardship vs. abortion vs. civil unions, etc. It's like they have to compete for who's the top morality keeper. (Hmmm...sounds just like the Pharisees to me!)

deanna said...

LOL - I'm never "feeling" political, but unfortunately, around here, it comes with the territory. By far, it is what I hate most about living near DC!!

So, how's the weather?

Kathryn said...

Friggin' COLD. I complained that it was supposed to be warmer today, but I still shivered while walking the dogs. So, Chris started asking me about AZ again...

deanna said...

ROFL! Every time I hear about global warming, I keep thinking, "Go ask the folks in Maine and North Dakota what they think about it!"

It was 60 here today - but windy. I cannot wait for spring to arrive - I'm so tired of cold, cold, cold!!! And I want to go to Connecticut, when it's a bit more reasonable!