Thursday, March 15, 2007

First Disney Black Princess

CNN has the scoop here. Disney is working on a new animated movie, The Frog Princess, which will feature the first black princess, Maddy. She will be added to all the Disney Princess merchandising.... of course! I am glad they are finally doing this, I'm just not sure about that title. I can't wait to see the movie, though! I'm excited about it because my girls actually really love Mulan because they feel a connection to her and the history behind that story. I'm wondering if the Frog Princess is a story from Africa? or islands?? Oh, it's New Orleans. Hmm, I hope there is some cultural connection in there.

Today, March 21, some interesting reactions to the Disney news. I think everyone who has written in has valid comments. The title was a bit disturbing to me as well, and I had not even noticed the absence of a black prince! The only one I have a little trouble with is the issue with American girls wanting to be princesses. Let's face it - it's almost every little girl's dream to be a princess. Disney has capitalized on that fact but it's really up to parents how far they take that.

I guess my hope for this movie is that there is a message beyond just having a black princess to have one. Then again, it is a fairy tale, correct? I'm sure Disney will take all this feedback to heart, but in the end it will be what it is: an animated Disney feature created to bring in the money!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Well, it's ABOUT time! It's 2007, and finally Disney will have a black princess. Better late than never, I guess.