Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wacky Weather - Part ?

We have had the most wonderful week of weather in the 70's. I've been walking, we've gone to the park, pulled out our shorts and t-shirts and had extra recess. It's been dreamy. Apparently, this dream is coming to a screeching halt when we all wake up tomorrow to freezing rain and snow! YIKES! Not another snow day!?!?!

I'm not really handling this well. It's still in the 50's outside and I'm already slinking back into hibernation. I have stuff to do tomorrow! I can't be stuck inside again. Not to mention, it's Friday and my nightmare begins. I have to work, the girls have to go to school and T can't stay home... I'm getting a headache already just thinking about it! I guess this is why I'm not going to be teaching in a different county next year. I'll have a healthier heart for it!

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