Saturday, March 31, 2007


We made it safely up to New England yesterday. My allergies from all those blooming cherry blossoms trees got the best of me, though, so I'm just glad I was able to stay awake for that 6 hour trip! Driving through Newark, NJ at 6 pm is just totally miserable! That's why I settled for the McDonald's, especially when the sign under it said "Next food 30 miles" - YIKES!

Today is a warm 60 degrees, sunny and not quite as spring as MD. We are taking it easy, lots of shopping, lunch at Duchess and dinner we're not sure about yet. I am toying with the idea of taking both girls to see the movie Bridge to Terabithia. I've read mixed reviews about the movie and while I'm sure it will be perfect for Kt, I'm just not sure about Em. I'm leaning towards going, as my mom REALLY wants to see a movie. It's one of our regular activities when we're up here, so we just can't pass it up!

Right now, the girls are outside jumping rope barefoot in the grass. At some point, we'll need to hit the bathtub! Uncle D and Aunt J are up in NH, so one of our dinner options is pizza, which Aunt J isn't a huge fan of. She wouldn't be very happy if we waited to have that when she's home! LOL And then, there is the Christmas Tree Shop - we can't pass up a visit there!

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