Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is It ONLY Wedensday?

This is such a slow week, or maybe I'm just dragging my feet. It's super busy but it just seems to be lagging a bit. Yesterday I worked and had one single solitary customer. Oh, and someone who picked up her pottery. The nice thing about it was that I spent the first hour painting a vase and thinking to myself, "This is my kind of job!" Of course, running around before work, to the doctor and to sign the girls up for gymnastics, made me realize that money doesn't grow on trees. (Sound familiar, mom?) So while I love my job, I'm appreciating that my husband isn't nagging me to find a "real" job right now!

Kt had an interesting day at school. We have all suffered from some kind of allergy/cold thing since we came home. It's been 1.5 weeks, but it's not going away. It's sort of confirming what I've always believed - that we're allergic to our house! LOL Anyway, Kt has been tired, achy, runny nose, no voice for a few days. She told me yesterday that she fell asleep for during her reading assessment!! YIKES! If that isn't bad enough, she almost missed the bus, skipped breakfast and lunch for 4th grade is at 1:05 - no snack. It's pure torture! It's no wonder she almost fell asleep. Thanks to her day yesterday, we've instituted some house rules and we'll see if they work. So far today, she only forgot her lunchbox - so typical!

Em had an equally interesting day. Of course, most of the fun details of her day come out at bedtime, when she insists that I come lay down with her in bed at night. On many occasions she has expressed that because of this coveted time, her parents are the greatest of all, so I don't dare give this up until she decides she's too old for it. That will be a sad day!

Anyway, Em brought home some work that she was unable to finish in school. This was a persistent problem for her in school last year, so I'm glad her teacher is trying to nip that in the bud early on. Em is claiming it was all the fire drill's fault, but.... well, history often repeats itself! We finished her assignment yesterday, and then she told me that she had won two coupons. Once she gets to 10 she'll get a prize, and it might even be a homework pass that she can pass in instead of homework. Very excited, we are, about this - I happen to hate homework passes, but I'll throw in the towel this year.

At bedtime, Em says to me, "I know now what is so different between Mrs. P and Miss C. When Mrs. P says something, you have to do it when she says it. She will NOT wait for you!" I had to completely laugh out loud. I said back to her, "So, Miss C was a little more patient with you?" She replied, "Yes, she was very nice to wait for me. But Mrs. P expects that when she says we do it!" I replied, "So.... what you're saying is that Mrs. P is more like your mother than Miss C?" She looked at me, laughed and said, "Exactly!" I happen to think Mrs. P is just what we need this year - because it sounds like real school has begun! Or at least it's finally sinking in for one 6 year old who totally drove her kindergarten teacher crazy last year!!

So, now I'm off to drop something off for T at church, pick up Kt's prescription and some food, run Kt's lunch up to Clemens when I help with Kindergarten lunch again and then back here to do laundry, pack and clean up for our trip tomorrow to Connecticut. We're going to try the housesitter thing again - this time with a church secretary. Our neighbor's are just rolling their eyes at us, but it's either that or kill our dogs and I'm not interested in that - just yet!


Hermes Family said...

If you're coming to CT tomorrow, does that mean you'll stop by again? My pool is still open for another week. I may not be home all weekend, but you can still use the pool. Would love to visit again!
Love from YOM (Your Other Mother) -- and I wonder which member of the 'Hermes Family' was the smart ass who wrote that 'we're all very busy.')

deanna said...

I was wondering that myself!! We are coming up tomorrow night, so if you'll be around Friday I'll give you a call. The girls would LOVE to swim, as you probably already know!

Thanks, Yom!!

deanna said...

oh, and of course we'd love to see you as well! hehe