Friday, September 21, 2007

Funny Cultural Anecdote

I had a neighbor relay this story to me, and the more I think about it the funnier it is to me. Kids are so innocent, unaware and fresh in the way they make connections and think.

One of our neighborhood families is from India. Well, actually, more than one but for this story I'm just talking about one in particular. Last Sunday night, they were having an Indian celebration and had invited many friends over. Typically, when they have these celebrations everyone, kids included, arrive in authentic Indian dress, very intricate, vibrant colors, ornate and absolutely beautiful. There tend to be several children and many times they end up playing outside.

This past Sunday, my "American" neighbor (and we also have many more of those!, but just talking about this one!) and her two young daughters were outside, enjoying the friends next door in their unique "Indian" clothing. Unbeknownst to my neighbor and her husband, who were busy (yardwork??), their youngest, a 4 year old, disappeared into the house and emerged wearing her Native American "Indian" headdress from a Halloween costume. According to my neighbor, who caught the tail end of her daughter introducing this new wardrobe piece, the Indian neighbors were quite taken aback that their Indian wardrobe did not include anything that even remotely resembled this amazing Indian headdress that their new American friend had presented. They were quite impressed!

I wonder what the conversation that night sounded like at home with mom and dad! My neighbor and her husband just sat back and said not a peep. Kids can be so enlightening! LOL

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

That is adorable!