Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Small Miracle

I have noticed the past couple of weeks Em has been more interested in reading (finally!). She has been able to plow through about half of her 50 or so sight words without any problem. Up until this point, she has been extremely reluctant to read and I have been wearily reluctant to push her. Kt was a late reader as well and now she is a top reader in third grade, so it is easier the second time around, still a little worrisome, but a lot less stressful.

Today I picked up a couple books, including a Puppy Mudge book by Cynthia Rylant. Her Henry and Mudge books are adorable, but these Puppy Mudge books are clearly for earlier readers. I was hoping the fact that the book is about a puppy would spark some interest and I was dead on. Em picked up that book and with almost no help from mommy read it from cover to cover for me. About half way through she looked at me, smiled and proclaimed, "I'm a pretty good reader!" And she was.

I'm hoping we are turning a new leaf, a hairpin corner... but I remember those days. One day we can read, the next day the word "it" looks like "so"! I'm just more happy that she felt successful today and with a puppy book as her encouragement. I think I'll have to save that book!

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