Monday, January 22, 2007

Deja Vu?

I know I said I was going to bed, but did we not hear this very same thing for 8 years?? And did those health care reforms never happen?? So why are we hearing this again?????


Anonymous said...

We're hearing this again because it's "Queen" Hilary. - rolls eyes -

Even though I knew this was coming, I am NOT ready to see her face and hear her babble all over the place for the next two years (minimum). This election is going to be the ugliest one yet, and I have a good feeling that she's going to get away with a lot more simply because she is a woman.

"Fair and Balanced" here I come!

BTW - I love your new template! Looks great!

deanna said...

Thanks - I like it too!

UGH - I know what you're saying is true, and also that EVERYONE will forget that we went up this road for 8 years and nothing ever happened. They'll just think it's wonderful what she's doing and blame her failure on the Republicans. I MUST be a fortune teller, or just a really good historian! LOL