Saturday, January 20, 2007

Long Weekend...

I did not really want to wake up to this, but who didn't see it coming from a foot away! (rolling eyes in extreme disgust!) I can think of plenty of other Democratic hopefuls this Republican would be inclined to vote for in 2008, but definitely not this one. I draw the line!!

Yesterday the girls had a half day, then Kt took off for her sleepover at the Science Center in Baltimore. She had a blast and can hardly stay awake!! T is up at church with the freshman doing a day of community service in the middle of some crazy wind storm. He had taken Em, so I ran up there with Kt and ended up bringing them both home. It's way too cold and the girls wanted to spend the day together. On the ride home, Kt asked me if I'd ever been to a planetarium. Funny - we've done so much with the girls but we've never done that!! She surprised me by not only explaining what constellations are to Em, but also gave her a thorough accounting of the names and backgrounds of each constellation. All Greek to me, but she retained so much of it. I wonder if she'll take after my dad??

The wind is howling outside and I feel like there is not a sealed window in my house. The windchill is 22 degrees, which is 12 degrees lower than the air temperature. Kt said this morning, at 6:30 am while they were eating breakfast (hahahaha - I've never known my daughter to wake up any earlier than 8:30 - it's just unheard of!), it was blizzarding in downtown Baltimore! They slept in the Body Parts exhibit with a phenomenal view of the harbor - at least that's what she said. Personally, that just sounds creepy to me. I wonder if they fought over who got to sleep in the heart??

As for the sewer problem, the guys are coming out Wednesday morning, bright and early. Hmm... We'll have to figure out how to get ready for school with no plumbing... Since the camera was inconclusive, meaning we have no idea where the sewer line has been breeched, I don't know anything about Wednesday other than 1) our two little bushes out front with disappear, 2) there is the possibility they have to dig under our driveway - not sure what that entails..., and 3) I guess there is that slim possibility we will pay $2500+ and the roots are coming from the street up to our house and there will be nothing we can do about it. I don't know, I just hope they get to the root of the problem - pun intended!!

Monday we are having Em's birthday party at Pump It Up. I cannot be happier that we chose to have it elsewhere! I am a little reluctant to spend the $$, especially right now, but it's so worth it!! She had wanted a "Puppy Pump It Up Sleepover" party, we talked her down to a Pump It Up party! She cracks me up, as the guest list, while it is set in stone now that the invitations went out, changes daily depending on who is her friend on any given day. The person at the top of her list has not yet replied. He was Numero Uno when we made the list and now he is no longer a friend - I'm not sure in that little kindergarten world of hers how that works, but I've explained that whether or not he comes is now dependent on his mother, not on him annoying her or not during her seatwork time! That didn't go over so well, but we are learning multiple social skills all at once through this one experience!

I guess my stalling needs to come to an end. I have work to do around this house today and posting on my blog is only delaying the inevitable AND taking away my valuable productive time. It is fun, though!! Poor T, after a day of braving this wintery weather, he'll come home to brave our mess... Oh well - it's the price you pay to own a home.

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