Saturday, February 11, 2006


What can ruin one night away???? Only one thing: SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW!! Well, I guess there are a myriad of other things, too, and even a bit more disastrous, but for me, right now, it's SNOW! And hardly any of it!

The plan went like this: we got T's parents to agree to take the girls for one night and chose to go somewhere closeby. I chose (it is my birthday) Leesburg, VA, the home of the Pottery Barn Outlet!! Very excited to go, until the word SNOW was mentioned just a couple days ago. Now, I know this was a recent development because I check the weather faithfully.

Even though we had this bleak outlook we went ahead with our plan. T left work early, we drove the girls to his parents. When we left it was supposed to start snowing Sat night, rain/snow mix, so I figured we would have at least until the afternoon to shop! By the time we got there, a blizzard was on it's way!! Snow beginning at 9 am, heavy by noon and the worst of it?? You guessed it (maybe) the I-95 corridor, right where we live in MD.

We decided to have dinner at Friday's, likely the smallest one on the world!! We waited 30 minutes, it was FREEZING and by the time dinner was over, we decided to head back to the hotel and skip our hour of shopping time that was left. It was fun - but very short!

So, the plan went like this. I set our alarm for 8 am, didn't sleep hardly a wink, got up and no snow. Hmmm... maybe some shopping?? Checked back at 8:30 - blizzard!! So, we quickly changed our plan. Better get home before we are stuck, pick up the girls so T's mom wouldn't freak out and head home.

We weren't 10 minutes outside of snow-covered Leesburg when there was not only no snow, but no precipitation! We shopped a bit at a mall, had lunch with T's parents and the girls and are home now. Still, very little snow, nothing on the ground. How do I feel about this??? The bottom line is that I hate snow!

UPDATE: Well, the snow finally arrived. We just drove home in it. We have about 4 inches outside and the roads are getting pretty bad. I think it's supposed to snow all night, which will probably mean our visit to the "real" megachurch - McLean Bible - in VA will likely not happen. Oh well!! Maybe better luck next time. I'm more disappointed that we won't be able to meet up with our friends, who are dedicating their third child whom we have never even met - boohoo!! for real!

Have I mentioned my loathing of snow???

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