Monday, February 20, 2006

Today is my Birthday!!!!

And I've been shopping allllll day! Actually, my mom came in Friday (well, Saturday) at 2 am, we hung out all day, had T's parents over for Chinese food for dinner, went to church yesterday and then took off for a night of fun and outlet shopping. We just got back and I'm checking in before heading out to Don Pablo's. We have to go kid friendly for dinner and as it is, they aren't that happy with Mexican.

I hope everyone is enjoying President's Day today. We hit some great sales, so it was fun for us. It's always nice to have a day off and I have enjoyed having the girls around, not having to get ready for school and just have a "normal" day as my birthday. It's been very special.

Any guesses as to how old I might be??? (D, S and T - off limits to you!!!)

Add: Wow! No takers on the age guess? Hmmm.... I can understand that. I'm still young enough to admit to my age - 36! Now, in a few more years this could change.... Thanks, well-wishers. Nice to know I have *clears throat* five readers! That would be my three well-wishers, T and my mom, who I'm currently holding hostage in MD!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday Dear Deanna...

Happy birthday to you...

I'm awful at guessing ages...I can't imagine guessing the age of someone I've never met! I always guess too old. Then feel I'll leave that to someone else and just say Happy Birthday!

Jeremy Del Rio said...

Happy birthday! It's been fun getting to know you via your new addiction. Gonna pass on the age game.