Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Sweetie!

Today I had a couple of places to run early on. Because of our Monday snow day, I had double duty, as I had signed up to help at Em's school for the Monday Valentine's party (now postponed to today) and every Wednesday I tutor at Kt's school. I ran first to Kt's school, then to Em's. I'm a little dizzy right now!!

Em chose the color for this post as it's got her picture in it! This is Em at her preschool party enjoying ranch dip - for real! They had it for veggies and she was scooping spoonfuls onto her plate and shoveling it into her mouth minus the veggies! We are going to have to work on those eating habits!!

Our V-Day was fun. I made chicken Parmesan, got some roses (we are all going to be sneezing by tomorrow!) and some other spa goodies. It was a fun night. T and I also watched a movie - I can't remember the name of it. Maybe "A Little Bit of Heaven"? Anyway, it was cute.

Well, off to spend some time with my kids! I've been mulling around a post of "community" - how to build one, how it draws people in, different dynamics. You'll never guess what prompted me to even think of it - and I'll save that info for the post!!

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