Friday, February 03, 2006

DC Historical Site in Jeopardy

This place sounds interesting - I've never been! I have been on the hunt for any information about a hotel on 16th street that my grandmother's aunt and uncle used to own. I know it no longer exists, but I have a dance card from the 1920's that has a picture of Hotel Gordon on the front. It's from their New Years Gala.

Older buildings in DC are quite grand and they are losing out to bigger, more modern structures. I hope the historical society can hold on to this one - I would love to visit it sometime!! I'm a sucker for old antiquities. Hey Smithsonian, how about an old mansion to add to your collection??


Anonymous said...

Is there any way that you can scan and post your photo of the Gordon Hotel?

deanna said...

I can try to do that. I also amazingly found a postcard on ebay with a picture that I selfishly bought. If I can track that down I'll try to scan it and post it as well.

What is your connection with the hotel? The dance card is one of a handful of things I have left from my grandparents who both grew up in DC. I wish the hotel was still standing!