Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Listen to the Experts

England's longest married living couple just celebrated their 78th wedding anniversary!! How's that for longevity?! In just two more years they may well be the longest married couple, the record now standing at 80 years. When asked how they made it this long, Frank Milford replied:

"We don't always see eye to eye and we do have a small argument every day." But that comes and goes. We are always here for each other." His 97-year-old wife (Anita) added: "The key is give and take and lots of laughter."

I especially love the laughter line. And this really says it all:

"These days marriages don't last long. A lot of people get married with the idea that if it doesn't work out there's no worry, but we can't understand that."

Yup, you got it right Anita. And it's a sad state!! I think it's always wise to listen to the experts!


doubleknot said...

Unfortunately marrages do end. I tried for twenty years - if my divorce had been a few days later I would have been married twentyone years but there was no saving it. I have been free for the first time in my life and am really enjoying it.
I think people should not treat marriage as a disposeable item that when the going gets tough get out but there are limits.

deanna said...

Yes - it is true and there are certainly instances where it is for the best. Many of my cousins have gone through a divorce and unfortunately, they were a good thing! And that's all I'll say about that!!