I am stuck home again with some recovering children! One more Sunday not in church... Usually T and I take turns going when this happens, but with summer trips coming up he needs to be in church to collect things and connect with the teams and kids. So, here I am...
I found a very interesting article this morning in the Washington Post On Sundays, they run a couple stories in their religion section. This one is intriguing to me because ever since I placed my children in public school, I have for the first time, felt a little oppression against my religion. It's nothing life threatening, but it was really shocking to be point blank told in America that my religion was far from welcome in their territory, to the point that I might not be included in activities that they deem unsafe for Christians - let's say, for example, a "holiday" party where I might accidentally say the word "Christmas." I doubt this is common in most public schools across America. In fact, on my last women's retreat I met a woman who lives near me and when I told her where my kids go to school, her reply was, "Oh. It's hard to be a Christian at THAT school!"
The truth is, in many ways it's a good pruning ground for me and my family. I find I have to hold my tongue and really try to understand where everyone else is coming from! Why is it OK to share Allah with an entire school population, but "illegal" to mention God in school? While I find it inconsistent, I have also found that much of the to do about Christianity doesn't really come from the powers that govern, but from individual issues individual people have with the "religion." There are so many misconceptions about Christianity and the thought of dealing with them strikes fear in the hearts of so many. Christianity has found no home among the cries for tolerance, it has acquired no friends among those who seek an answer to their problems.
The challenge here for us every day is being a believer who practices what the Bible says in a relevant way in the world. It is the hardest thing I've had to do in a long, long time! I am constantly falling into traps that are not even set for me, traps that looks so inconspicuous that I have no idea they were meant for harm until it is much too late. When I sit back and absorb the microcosm of school that my children go to, it all seems so "wonderful" but when I look through the lens of Christ, I can see the traps, the temptations along with the good that can come from a disciplined life. It's daunting and I must say, there have been many times this past year when I've been ready to throw in the towel and homeschool!
Do I think there is a war against Christianity in America? I must say that I do, but it's a very spiritual war. Each of our small examples is a sign of a much larger war that is taking place beyond our visual realm. This is a war that has been raging for generations and I think it's battleground has finally arrived at our shores. It's more than obvious in many parts of the world, where Christianity has been outlawed, punishable by death. That may never happen here, but the battle has begun. I just think our defense is prayer and practicing our beliefs. Satan wants America - I mean, of course he does. There is no part of this earth he wouldn't love to control. The question is, can we stand up to him? Not alone!
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