Thursday, May 08, 2008

got confirmation?

Sometimes God amazes us even when we're not in need of amazement. I think He loves doing this and it helps us to see just how big He is!

This year, we have a Hungary team member we barely know. It's something we've never done before, but she's the roommate of one of our past interns. They go to school out west and came to CT/NYC with us this past January. R instantly clicked with everyone and when T asked me how I felt about inviting her to Hungary, I had not one single reservation about it. When he asked her, she also accepted whole-heartedly. We weren't looking for confirmation or feeling like we'd maybe made a wrong choice, but God gave it to us in a crazy way.

This summer, R is working as a nanny for a Christian family. When she went to meet them, she told them she'd be serving in Hungary this summer for a couple weeks. They asked where, and when she told them Sopron (mind you, it's a smaller Hungarian town, more like a suburb of Vienna) imagine their surprise, and hers, and ours, and everyone else who will hear this story, when they shared that they had actually lived in Sopron for a year while they taught English. Now, I ask you, can God be any more direct than that? I think not. He orchestrates, we play our part.

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