Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What Will They Think of Next?

It just drives the world crazy, trying to come up with explanations for Jesus' miracles. Does it baffle them? Do they want to come up as many reasons as possible not to have to admit that He is God? That walking on water was easy for Him?

I would love to see an average, normal person "walk on pieces of ice" out to a boat - like that wouldn't be extraordinary in itself??


doubleknot said...

I didn't check out the site cause I know miracles happen - my life is a miracle. I learned long ago that miracles don't always happen the way we think they should or want them to - but they are all around us - accepting them is the hard part for most people.

deanna said...

It's actually an article in the Washington Post - they have "finally figured it out" even though no one has ever actually seen ice on the Sea of Galilee, they think it's possible. They've never seen that, but they'll believe it. Can't believe God walks on water though - makes no sense to me!