Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Little Fun, A Lot of Work!

We are starting our day with a trip to the Pottery Stop - actually, that's not what it's called, but right now I cannot remember what it is called! I'll tell you later! Oh, wait, it's the Studio at Fulton! Wow, I feel old all of a sudden! Anyway, our friend who owns the place has a job for me and the girls are tagging along for fun. After that, we may pick up a few more things for our trip. Then it's home to pack. That's where the work comes in.

We also need to clean up a bit here, as T is planning to have a meeting here the night he returns from Savannah. And here I was, thinking I could just leave the house anyway I wanted!!

Our plan is to pick up my mom tonight and then head south, arriving somewhere in NC for a quick respit, then back in the car in the morning. This way we can stop along the way for some, you guessed it, shopping! Yeah! This is my last day with high speed internet for a week - not sure how I will survive without it. I've done it before, though, so I'm sure I can do it again. *cough, cough* Will be looking for that Panera somewhere on Abercorn!

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